Selling Articles

Land Registry Data: November 2015

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

LAND REGISTRY DATA: NOVEMBER 2015 (released 30 December 2015) The headline statistics of the November 2015 Land Registry report on house prices are identical to those reported for October, the monthly increase in average house prices...

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Economic News: December 2015/January 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ECONOMIC NEWS: December 2015/January 2016 At its December 2015 meeting, the Bank of England’s nine-member Monetary Policy Committee again voted by eight to one to hold the UK interest rate at 0.5 per cent amid expectations that...

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Consultation on Stamp Duty

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Consultation on Stamp Duty for Additional Properties Launched The Chancellor announced in the Autumn Statement that the purchase of additional properties would attract an additional surcharge of 3% on the applicable Stamp Duty rates...

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Base rate to stay low

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Base rate to stay low longer. Again. Over recent months expectations of a rise in Bank of England Base Rate had started to grow, with many commentators forecasting a rise this summer, and some suggesting it could come rather...

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Monday, December 14, 2015

Remortgage – time to review As we enter Autumn, lender focus turns to the end of year and building pipeline business for the New Year.  Those that have perhaps not managed as large a volume of business as they would like...

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Buy to Let Punchbowl

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Buy to Let Punchbowl Buy to Let lending seems to be back at the top of everyone’s agenda again. Recent figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders suggest buy to let has been one of the key drivers of the market recovery...

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Securing a Deposit

Monday, December 14, 2015

Securing a deposit Despite a climate of record low interest rates and ever improved deals for borrowers over the last 12 months, First Time Buyers still face a range of challenges when it comes to getting onto the property...

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Support for Help to Buy

Monday, December 14, 2015

More support for Help to Buy Announced The Autumn Statement brought a number of important announcements for homebuyers, not least a doubling of the housing budget to boost the supply of new homes.  Much of the focus is...

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We are family owned and wholly independent business offering a modern approach to Estate Agency operating in the Wiltshire and Cotswolds areas dealing with all aspects of residential sales and lettings.

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